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Strategies  for Managing Your Inbox

Strategies for Managing Your Inbox

Shortly after I published my article on Inbox Zero, a friend sent me a text that said, “As I’ve been cleaning stuff out of my inbox, more have loaded. There are now 21k+ in my inbox. I think I’m giving up on this endeavor. Sorry.” Although it...
Saved by Inbox Zero

Saved by Inbox Zero

There’s a tickle in the back of your mind. It whispers, “Why are you reading this dumb blog post? Your email is stacking up. There are 6,000 messages in your inbox, and 400 are unread. Open your inbox and despair!” If that’s you, I am sorry to hear...
BLUF Your Way Through Engineering Email

BLUF Your Way Through Engineering Email

In every office, there’s that one person whose causes you to cringe when their name pops up in your email inbox. That person sends George R. R. Martin worthy epics full of intrigue, shady characters, mysteries, and technical specifications for your current engineering...
Is anyone listening?

Is anyone listening?

Have you ever worked with a group of people, and thought: I am leading, but no one is listening? I recently heard this from one of the youths I work with at our church. It hit home because I can count many times in my experiences where I have felt the same way. If I...
Get More Mileage from Your Commute

Get More Mileage from Your Commute

There are days when it’s the most painful 30 (or 45 or 60 or more) minutes of your day. Commuting to work. And then you get to do it all over again later that day when you head home. According to multiple studies (2004, 2010, 2012, 2015, 2017, 2019), your...