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The Social Engineer

This is Part 6 of a 6-article series on emotional intelligence in engineering. Part 1 is here: Engineering is More than IQ. A few years ago, a university career center invited Cliff and me to speak to their students about how to have a successful internship. Since...

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The Empathetic Engineer

This is Part 5 of a multi-article series on emotional intelligence in engineering. Part 1 is here: Engineering is More than IQ. Think back to the best teammates you’ve ever had. The ones you always wanted to work with or play with. Or, for that matter, just be around....

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The Motivated Engineer

This is Part 4 of a multi-article series on emotional intelligence in engineering. Part 1 is here: Engineering is More than IQ. As a child, when you took apart your parent’s VCR (or DVD player or maybe iPod) to see how it worked, you didn’t need a paycheck. You didn’t...

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Engineering is More than IQ

The journey for most engineers often begins with a lot of good grades in math. That leads to the ability to comprehend and solve problems. And that leads to a lot of people looking at them and thinking, “Wow, they are smart.” Sometimes, though, a lot of people also...

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4 Reasons To Intern First

1. Fit of the Job Role I have seen so many young engineers enter the job market, and take a job offer with a new company, and 3 to 5 years later leave the company disgruntled. It usually isn't the company's fault; although sometimes it is caused by working for a bad...

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Stuff Engineers Like

Hiring engineers is a lot easier if you first build a culture that engineers will embrace. Of course, if you don't have that culture but you still need to hire engineers, there's no time like the present to build a culture that your engineers will love and you can...

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Hiring Team Players

Recruiting the right people for your team is a constant challenge. The process goes far beyond the technical skills. You need someone who compliments your existing team as well as someone who knows how to be a team player. In this article, I point you to two other...

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Who Are You As a Leader?

That is a tough question. It's also an important question and you should know the answer. Or, at the very least, you should have an idea of who you want to be as a leader. The fact is, leadership is an ideal that we can never achieve. No matter how skilled you are as...

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